{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf320 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;}...
all right now let's go to the next time whether mit romney is actually resi we're not suggesting that run these crazy and romney suggesting issues to a local interview here listen what...
when i look at republican and democratic conventions i think like what would go through all this nonsense for right because it's all highly scripted out in the old days as a reason for the...
well it turns out that tag romney was very upset by what happened in the debate he actually went w p t f which is a radio station and rally north carolina he went on the bill lamaze show i...
mit romney obviously a world of trouble over recalled election so i don't know why he can't continues to campaign uh... so i do reason i did is because he's down by about ten...
uh... ok mit romney twenty-seven lies or you can call the main i think progress is calling the midst and thirty-eight minutes okay this is everything from i don't have a five trillion dollar...
the armed forces overwhelmingly support president obama over mitt romney in donations which is fascinating because democrats are considered weak on national security whereas president obama has got of...
are a look at your voicemail email a new station airing the david packard show affects you tv three in prospered maryland at their first maryland affiliate let's get right into some voicemails...