<i>Something in the way she moves</i> <i>Attracts me like no other lover</i> <i>Something in the way she woos me</i>...
Throughout history, humankind has struggled to understand the fundamental workings of the material world. We've endeavoured to discover the rules and patterns that determine the qualities of...
What is at the center of the universe? It's an essential question that humans have been wondering about for centuries. But the journey toward an answer has been a strange one. If you wanted to...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf510 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
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This is the amazing and beautiful Millennium run - it's a simulation of the large-scale evolution of the universe from just after the big bang all the way to the present. The researchers at...
JAMES GRIME: We love pi, of course. Everyone loves pi. But one of my favorite pi facts is-- and I think it's fun. You only need 39 digits of pi to be able to measure the circumference of the...
People tend to think about the big bang as a sort of explosion which resulted in everything. Space, time, all the little matter stuff that is in the universe today. But in reality the big bang was...
Das hier stellt die Erde dar! Okay! Und das hier soll was sein...? Der Mond? Ja. Die erste Herausforderung wäre: Wie weit sind die beiden voneinander entfernt? Ungefähr.. Ungefähr? Etwa so viel? Ok...