they're preparing but we started the war yesterday brett we signed it merely five years ago a man it's been at least four-and-a-half years and become travel just got started with the...
Announcer: Welcome back to The David Pakman Show. David: Back on The David Pakman Show. If you could only see what went on here, what goes on here regularly during the breaks. But you will soon,...
Hello, this is XboxAhoy and this is the fourth episode of my Black Ops 2 Attachment Guide. In this episode we're covering the EOTech sight. First seen as the Holographic sight in Modern...
Darren: I was trying to record this conversation with Eloy but there was a cussword and I already used 2 cusswords in the video and it was my first 2 ever so. Yeah we're talking about people...
Yeah, It's TeeJayFlow man, You know when you're underground you reach out to people so you can, You know, Extend your fan base you know, Get out there you know, Work together, Not this...
india and but i think that there's something else that they've been one of the effect that we've all been require last week we have to work a lot harder as a motivation her...
Sad to see that many tragedies happening Sad to see that many tragedies happening Sad to see that many tragedies happening Sad to see that many tragedies happening ima say it simple and plain im the...
Wendy: My name is Wendy and this is my third time I think doing the foundation course, wow! So I was just sitting down writing a list when we were doing the feedback forms and just along with the...
Isagenix to reasons into reasons only and that's your less Isagenix represented distributor ideal of government more ways to build your personal quickly ardmore officially take it so that next...
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