I'm very dumb just ignore me

I, I, I survive I, I, I survive Seven days and seven nights You left me on my own And gave me time to analyze Why I was hanging on You lock me out Then come around Your love would be the killing kind...
TrollsNews today Jared is a new singing star boxxy got her channel back Alien knows the future vote for TrollsNews Good evening and welcome to another episode of TrollsNews, channel that brings you...
greetings youtube i am mister jack sparrow so i just finished watching a video from coughlan616 and apparently the trolling he has endured from user gorilla199 has reached a new level of epic butt...
ਖਜ ਰਬਖੱਗਜਗਜੀਪਰ ਬੀਨਰਾਰ ਨਰੱੀ ਖ ਰਰਜਖਪਪਾਾਬਪਨਨਅਖ ਰਖ ਰਪਨਖਨਜਗਾ ਾਅ ਪਰਪਾਪਬਪਪਰਰਬਬੀਜ ੱੱਗਅਰਰਜਪਬਰਬ ਖਾ ੱਗ ਰਪਗਾ ਜਰਪੀਨਗ ਾਾਬਪ ਰਾਾਰਾਖਨਰਨ ੀਬਬਗਗ ਨਜਅਾਰਬਰ ਰਖ ਬਜਜਨ ੀਅਅਬਪ ਾ ਰਖ ਨਰਰਾਗਾਰਗਖ ਬੱਨਰਪਪ ਬ ਜੱਖਖੱ ਜਾਖਰਅ ਜਰਰਾਨਾਜ...
Hi, I’m the old YouTube layout from 2010 to 2011, and I just wanted to say a few things to the new YouTube layout and just let you know...that it gets better When I first came out in 2010, jesus, it...
My boyfriend just stopped talking to me. What do I do? Is he getting better at listening to you over time? Or did he fall asleep? No, I don’t think he’s listening any better. I don’t know if he’s...
I don't feel strange when I switch off my hearing aid I feel less distracted any sound and can edit my poems in silence without always to have to turn around. I don't do this very...
The Obama administration is reaching new levels of propaganda and frankly outright delusion in the US Embassy attack in Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Not only did President Obama...
Just checking in with a little update from what's going on over here. I'm happy to announce we a new website that were going to be releasing on Wednesday of this next week but before I...