What are the ways that you can treat migraines? You know, when I work with a patient I always want to make sure it's tailored to improve their quality of life. And so it's always a...



My name is Dr. Ken Reed. I practice here in Dallas Texas with my partner Dr. Kelly Will, various hospitals here, primarily Presbyterian Hospital, Texas Institute of Surgery, Forest Park Medical...
For a permanent stimulator, that means we've done the test on the patient. It's worked extremely well and they want to do the permanent. What we do is the day that we take out the test...
With the test stimulator, we actually implant a temporary unit, which is no more involved than a little ... what looks like an IV tube under the skin, leave it in for three days, and the patient sees...
My migraine headaches started approximately 33 years ago. Actually last month, in May and ... very intense pain. The pain was so bad, it would make me pass out. I wasn't able to function as a...
You have to do it for yourself. You have to do it for your family. You have to do it. And now that my migraines can be fixed... You've got your life back, because migraines can take it away....
A common question that our patients have has to do with cosmetic side effects. As you can see in the videos of our former patients, there are most commonly no cosmetic effects. In general, the friends...
I started having migraines about 10 years ago. The last three years I guess, I had them about 28 out of the 30 days in a month every single day. Walking around with sunglasses, standing up in the...
Hello my name is Dr. Susan Jewell and today on behalf of Expert Village I am going to talk to you about how to recognize and treat pain for headaches. Now in this clip I'm going to talk about...
Dr. Blake, what causes migraines? You know, the exact reasons why people get a migraine are still not fully explained by researchers and science. However, from our perspective, as a physician, as well...

