Trying to convince Warner Bros. to make a $30 million 'Veronica Mars' movie just wasn't going to happen, for understandable reasons.



Having gotten TV shows on the air, that's so much less work that trying to get the 'Veronica Mars' movie made.



(silence) My daughter's name is Katya Sansalone. She's now 7, which is extraordinary because that apparently puts her in the position of being the oldest one alive in the country with...



Sibelius's Finlandia opens the Music Centre's first concert on Tuesday. After twenty years of planning and several years of building, the Centre is finally ready. The heart of the...
(airplane engines roaring) (guitar strumming) The lighthouse on the cornerstop got me thinking today, "What would life be like this way?" The winds won't blow and the sun...



The first one was told to me when I was 24, by a woman at The Washington Post, when I was a copy aid. She said, "Between the time you turn 20 and the time you turn 30, you're going to...
Okay so we're up to C sharp major 7 or D flat major 7. We're gonna take an E major 7 shape, and we're just gonna adjust that so my first finger is free. And in this case we...



In terms of on line search, I’ve been just absolutely fascinated as I’ve looked at some of the Google search statistics on things that might be very, very topical in today’s environment. So for...