Hi! I'm Chef Rainer Wickel and I am here today with expertvillage.com. Now we've finished making our marinade and now it is time to pour the marinade over the shrimp. Now remember we...
Hi Albert, How are you doing? How are you doing Simon? What have we got that's really good today? Ah Well, there's some beautifully locally grown baby carrots. Have a look at these...
Would you like your barbecues to be the most popular among your friends? If that's the case, I'll show you how to cook meat perfectly. The grill should always be clean so the meat...
Hi! I'm Chef Rainer Wickel and I am here today with expertvillage.com. Well now we need to make our marinade for our Tequila Lime Shrimp skewers and there are a couple of things that we need...
Namaskar Welcome to nishamadhulika.com Bengali rasgullas are of two types. One made with ararot which tend to be less spongy but are very delicious in eating and second those which are made without...
Hello. Welcome to mixed-up Monday on Cupcake Addiction. Today I'm doing something a little bit different that I've never done before but I've seen them done on YouTube. And...
[ introduction sound playing ] Hello Everyone This is my new hat and I show you how to make very simple. ok ? are you ready ? ok. something I found [ camera person says ] : what is it ? you know, you...
Music Music Music Flavor is the key to any great meal. And it's a great way to add variety to your plate. Hi, I'm Julie Gardner with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and...