We've got some great new yarns from Rowan this fall, including Rowan's Thick-n-Thin. It's a hundred percent wool, hand wash, super bulky, at 2.5 stitches per inch on a US 13....
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Today we're going to talk about decreasing in single crochet. So decreasing is taking away stitches by working two stitches together. The best way to do it is to begin a stitch...



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The new Fall collection from Berroco is all about texture with the little bit of glamour. Berroco Marmot is a hundred percent nylon in a heavy worsted weight. The yarn blends different lengths and...
Northfield has you know, a pretty diverse little blend of fibers, and the Valley is pretty diverse and you get that wonderful palette that really relates to the colors we find in nature here, the rich...
To join two pieces and yarn using the magic knot method, you're going to take your working yarn, which here it's the blue yarn, and the new yarn that you're introducing, which...
if you watch my channel i'm sure you've heard me say many times that i get my yarn from a little store here in israel not far down the street from where i live and I thought I would...
We've gotten a lot a beautiful yarns in, this fall, from Classic Elite. Classic Elite horizon is a wool, acrylic, alpaca, and silk blend yarn with gently variegated colors that smoothly...
this tutorial is going to be a crochet octopus we will be using a size h, 5 millimeter crochet hook and four ply worsted weight yarn we will also be using stuffing or fiberfill for the inside we will...
Hi! this is Tamara from moogly and I'm going to show you how to change colors when you're working with stripes. When you come to the end of a row, rather than working the entire stitch...