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[music] This week in the fancy stitch combo series i'm going to show you how to work the wishbone stitch. and i'm excited to show you this, this was a suggestion, the suggestion came...
Classic Elite brings us three new yarns for the spring 2014 season, along with new patterns full of gorgeous sweaters and accessories. Classic Elite yarns Cerro is a eighty-five percent pima cotton 15...
Okay, let's start by marking off where we want to place our beads. I want to place my beads at one inch intervals along the edge and I'm going to just take pins. I'm not going...
By the Pike's Will Script: Oleg Leonidov, Elizabeth Terahovskoy Director: Aleksandr Rou Operator: Ivan Gorchilin Sound: S. Yurtsev Assistant Director: Leonid Alzen Assistant cameraman:...



Okay well now that we have two layers laid out I have one layer of batting and one layer of the robing that I've arranged. And if you have multiple layers of robing make sure that you have at...
Hello this is Peter Beckenham from Thai Silk Magic. In this video you will see how Dao creates the wonderful scarf fringes that have become so popular with our Thai Silk Magic customers. Many of you...
Have you ever wondered if the Thai silk you bought was really genuine? Today we will show you one way to make sure you are not paying for imitation silk As you can see here's our eldest...