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[music] in this tutorial we're going to learn to make the poncho on the mannequin behind me. it's called the Rodeo Drive Poncho, the design was inspired by a recent trip i had to...
How to stitch figures A stitch box is very good for beginners Link for this box in the description We will stitch Tigger Your stitch box should contain: stitching fabric, figure, embroidery thread,...



Silk fabrics or synthetic fabrics. Which is the best? Well let's look at the differences. The origina of silk date back many thousands of years. And people craved its delicate luxury feel....
(Music) (Music) I'm Carol Alexander, executive editor of Crochet World magazine. Welcome to a short preview of the exciting projects featured in our October 2012 issue. Our cover project and...
Hi Jennifer here at Hollywood Fashion Secrets and I wanted to share one of my favorite secrets with you -- Hollywood Boot Straps. Hollywood Boot Straps are perfect for preventing the bunching of your...
Hello friend ab mein apko lacxo ke powerfull features ke bare mein batane ja rahi hu. Lacxo Wall, Apke Online Anubhav ko aur bhi majedar banane ke liye lacxo ne banai hai Lacxo Wall. Ap apne man...
what's up faithful listeners just want to thank you again for your participation in this radio show for the last two and a half hours it is 6:54 6 minutes to the top of the hour as my partner...



Welcome to Merrell, inside out and outside in. This is a technical guide to Merrell apparel. Today, we’re gonna be talking about Merrell socks. Hi, my name’s Matt and I’m a tech rep in the Midwest....