This is going to be a crochet baby cap Its made with the cluster Tell me about a crochet project that you are proud of It will be approximately 13 inches around upon completion 34 centimeters From the...
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How to crochet a swirl hat Half double crochet hat, spiral rounds, colour change Yarn: Caprice Big by Rellana, hook: 8 mm, markers (more info in the desciption) Magic ring Create a circle, put the...
hi guys this is going to be the tutorial that's going to show you how to do the wavy stitch beanie for this tutorial depending on what size that you're going to be making you may need...
The three greatest trends I think next summer that’s coming from the catwalk are the beachy look, the sleek look and the half up, half down type of look. The beachy look is quite easy to do; you just...
ages keep on running keep on going to lean on and ok so yeah cool just going to keep going it to you there now is it just and left her home well lately home they can't locate here say flip it...
Hi, I'm Benjy with Pinnacle Promotions and this is the Knit Beanie Custom Cap. This custom beanie is perfect for the cold weather, it's made of 100% acrylic and it's stretchy...