1 Catholicism 1.1 Catholic Church 1.2 Other churches 2 Orthodoxy 3 Protestantism 3.1 Pre-Lutheran Protestants 3.2 Lutheranism 3.3 Anglicanism 3.4 Reformed Churches 3.5 Presbyterianism 3.6...



republican lawmaker in kansas has accused the pentagon of singling out christianity and more broadly the government of singling out christianity you know i happen to agree with this except this...
The reason that HIV was invented as the cause of AIDS is it was a way to get research money. That's how you get big bucks, that's how you get research grants to fund your laboratories...
As to Christ, I think he existed I think he was a leader of slave revolt The Romans didn't use Cross So I think he was killed by impalement The style has existed from old times Christianity is...



QUIZ SHOW or... "No, no, I mean the actual words on the page, see...?" NonStampCollector OK Welcome back. Both our contestants are giving it a red hot go tonight as we test their...
If you criticise religion, every so often someone will say to you quite disapprovingly "You may not have faith in God, but you could show a bit more respect for those people who do."...
I've had a number of strong responses to my last video from people who tell me I should be criticising Islam, not Christianity, because Islam is a major threat to our freedom. And yes, this is...