I can't find myself in all these lives I lead Between your plans and theirs, I'll make my own excuses 'Cuz every smile and laugh I fake is more than useless There's no...
Now there's a lot of talk lately about really high gas prices. And gas is expensive in the United States, that is correct. And LOOK at that ⬆☝⬆ Doesn’t it look like it’s really, really cheap?...



i'd rockies opt you gag and web com okay netted uh... well computing e pastime and we'd be uh... um... escape from uh... skin the dark hair egtab what we're doing feature...



Accident in water communications, which occurred in Kirov, Russia, almost led to tragedy. On Stahanovskay st. taxi driver tried to bypass a small pit on the road, but suddenly road falled down and the...
I I love my house great new years party yesterday Hannah max contract here on a computer way who are you already going out my name cabin My name is Kevin are you drunk? Kevin: yes I am. Me: what are...
i'm lazy to hardcode comments into the video, it's a pain in the ass so at least you can turn captions off to avoid this, heh ==> team squishy: be a coward noooo appa missed oh...
Vol Jang: Greetings people and welcome to another TrollsNews tells how it is, my name is Vol Jang and the anorexic figure over there is Steve. Steve: I just want to be slim and pretty! Vol Jang: Today...
-Shit the dog -Go -Move the fucking dog, Zee! -Hey Dave keep the dog out the way -Go on then Matt, gilly -Look Jord just hang off it come on that's it yeah just fall, it's not even...