-BOOK TENTH. CHAPTER IV. AN AWKWARD FRIEND. That night, Quasimodo did not sleep. He had just made his last round of the church. He had not noticed, that at the moment when he was closing the doors,...
LIAM: Do know what my favorite bit of Space Lab is? BRAD: Space News. LIAM: Space News! BRAD: How did I know? LIAM: Because we're in it. No, we're not. BRAD: Are we? LIAM: No. BRAD:...
still mad at new compact gamma sorority in ap ten states decided to have eight mexican fiends this is never going to allow a_t_f_ uh... as you can imagine it didn't turn out well uh... all...
GIRL: This is so beautiful. BOY: I drive up here sometimes to just like, think. BOY: You can get really good cell reception too. GIRL: Nice. GIRL: This car is so cool. BOY: Yeah. My boss lets me drive...
ASHLEY: Exactely what kind of barber are you again? Yeah, no, I'm not... I'm not going down there. O'MANSKY: Come on. We gotta keep moving. ASHLEY: OK, or we are. Awesome....
-Hi, my name is Eric, I’m 35, and I write and compose soccer songs. For example, the song we hear in this match “ohe ohe”, I’ve written it. There are 60 000 people, 2 euros per capita, they sang it...
so going to report it to defend their adresses pretty hilarious list of the best mustaches uh... advises november and as many of you know it's because uh... were trying to spread awareness of...