Alright I'll get straight to the point I found marijuana in the house And while I never thought of myself as the type of father who would have to drug test his kids. I will do that if...
a father in san francisco wrote an op ed piece for the new york times where he argues that he's a better father because he smokes medicinal marijuana now he has back issues and he went to had...
there was a recent study done on um... that type of people that smoke marijuana and uh... bloomberg's businessweek found that pro-life people in silicon valley like to smoke the dubey shocking...
still mad at new compact gamma sorority in ap ten states decided to have eight mexican fiends this is never going to allow a_t_f_ uh... as you can imagine it didn't turn out well uh... all...
Gentlemen, look what I got here. What are those? Oh, just some brownies... -...of the pot variety. HOG-HEAD: Whoa. -What? -We're not on spring break. -Where'd you get those? -From the...
you know you always hear goes though kill people people kill people we have often told u that is not necessarily the case they sell come on out of the apartment is on the d_m_z_ both for your well...