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(Image source: Facebook) 
BY MATT PICHT Facebook sent a strong message to its users this week: Trolls, take a hike! The social media company announced Tuesday it will work to start eliminating...
It's the biggest insider trading case ever prosecuted. A jury handed down the latest guilty verdict Thursday against a former SAC Capital Advisors trader. ​"Mathew Martoma guilty on...
PETER MCGUINNESS: You're going to see specialty agencies versus general agencies. The role of African American agencies, Hispanic agencies versus more general agencies. And who's a...



NANCY HILL: I know the things that we've learned over the last couple of years are really driven by three things. First and foremost, technology and what the fragmentation of the technology...
NIGEL MORRIS: I think in 2011, the marketing opportunities are the ability to actually use brand-building communication to sell goods and services. I think in the US, there is going to be a...
Have you heard of EF Englishtown? EF Englishtown is the world’s largest English language training company with over 34,000 teachers and staff in nearly 50 countries. I know, English, you got that,...
[Interlude] No good deed goes unpunished, not if charity goes un-resented. >>Fox: Welcome back to Bloomberg Business Week from Bloomberg radio. I’m Pimm Fox. >>Prewitt:...
Earlier this month, a Florida woman locked her minivan's doors and rolled up the windows. Then, she told her three children that was "trying to take them to a better place"...