Hello and welcome to this new episode of Direct'It dedicated to Zack Snyder. From zombies to superheroes, Snyder is a heterogeneous director. At 47, he's one of the most famous young...
he has wilson the time to that for the past couple of weeks to begin on I think on the one workers so to give you things about he might freak one is the books and the other is watch my lips banks are...
This is a video response to LivonAir's inappropriate dreams video. I left a comment on that video and I really wanted to make a video response because I also have freaky dreams. Not the same...
Hi everyonel from AC News! Let's see the today's trailer, cinema news is coming up! It's Tom Hardy's golden age! After the great success of Inception, soon we will see...
Nick-Hello... Matt:hello... Nick-My name is Nicolasss.... Umm... Matt-and my name's Matthias.. Nick: umm.. well matthias isnt really in this game... were just talking through skype... LOL...
vanessa hoach done uh... twenty yr old student at toronto's george university was engaged in a very bright you know sort of everyday things sending out resumes and she decided to attach uh......
there board lol well known that for years you know like whatever you say i feel filled will do do do do you everybody relatively well let's talk mad it's for real particular story you...
Hey we're Hits at the Red Touch Lounge at the W Hotel. Once again, back at the W Hotel it's DJ Jimmy Chunga. It's South by South West 2013, we're up on the Terrace,...