If you're going to be a voice of a demo, my recommendation is that you take classes first, with some voice over professionals, before you waste your money, and make a demo, because what you...
Angela Grassi, MS, RD & Dr. Lisa Moran today doctor moran internationally recognized researcher and dietitian field lifestyle management reproductive health she's a postdoctoral...
Sarah Palin is gonna talk about the pope they should be fine when you make a pope Francis prolific oven I am bank I try to follow what is it gender is no I'm surprised that he came out with...
MARTI HEARST: We have a fantastic guest speaker today, Sergey Brin, who is a co-founder of Google. You might have heard of this company. [LAUGHTER] I actually got the Wikipedia article on you, Sergey,...
Clarify why freedom of thought and conscience is so vital. Let me give you three reasons. First, in your American history and in the American experiment freedom of thought and conscience was always...
Q: Earlier this evening we managed to abduct John Lennon and George Harrison. The film of the Maharishi was still being processed at the time but we started by taking up a point that the Maharishi had...
你是否擔心自己將會命喪何種事故? Do you worry about what is going to kill you? 心臟病?癌症? Heart disease, cancer, 還是車禍呢? a car accident? 大部分我們擔心的,都不是我們能控制的, Most of us worry about things we can't control...
(text on screen): Fertility Authority. Your Most Trusted Source Ask the Experts What is frozen egg banking? Dr. Joel Batzofin, New York Fertility Services: The technology of egg freezing has come of...
[Music] We’re going to use three different types of visual indicators. We’ll use a hand every time I tap. Every time I hit a button on the outside of the device we’ll give you an icon. And we’re...



Well I think this faith based jobs club program is a perfect example of your real innovation and you are leading the way in engaging congregations community groups, faith leaders, in your community in...

