If you're going to be a voice of a demo, my recommendation is that you take classes first, with some voice over professionals, before you waste your money, and make a demo, because what you...
so the oscars were just a couple of days ago our lot of winners obviously even more losers at least four five times maybe this is what is at least for nominees and so there's opportunity on...
- Mummy! Mummy! Mummy! - Are you all right Nawal? Same dream again? - Same dream and same fate! What shall I do Sofia? Shall I spend the rest of my life awake, so that I wonít die in my dreams? - Did...
It's the first movie award of Nadech Kugimiya (sticky rice suptar) Starpics,The movie magazine offer The best leading actor act as Kobori from Kugam,the classic novel Although the film grossed...
What is actor improvisation? Well my “One Take” is: Actor Improvisation is acting seamlessly moment-to-moment in response to the given stimuli or the given circumstances. Now, this is my general...
My name is Katrina Cook and I am the owner of Katz Casting. I am here on behalf of Expert Village.com to show you some benefits of getting an agent. One thing is you can go out and get jobs on your...
SCOTT DUPONT: Hi. Scott DuPont, welcome back here to ABCs of ACTING on behalf of Expert Village. Our little segment here is "Should you get a manager or should you be the manager of your kid...
Jared Leto Incredible. Ahn Ellen I love you, to my fellow I´m so proud to share this journey with you I never though I would have so much respect from you all, to the academy, thank you. In 1971 in...
My name is Michael Orozco. Hi, my name is Alejandra Espinosa. I just got finished doing the PEM workshop, which is by far one of the greatest workshops I've ever taken. What I've...



How are you doing? Today, you're here as a representative of what film? Kugum.. Your name was nominated for Best Actor Award, right? Yes, for Best Actor Award category.... Are you expecting to...