Isto é uma exploração de multijogador. Se carregares no Alt... A tua personagem congela. Se carregares de novo ela descongelará. Durante este tempo, a personagem é inamovível. É basicamente isto o...



If you’ve ever wondered why Disney’s tales all end in lies Here’s what happened after all their dreams came true I loved being princess down in this beautiful ocean blue But mermaids are going...
Last week Police announced the arrest of 3 new suspects in the Boston bombing. The suspects are accused of conspiracy to obstruct justice and of hiding evidence. The irony is so thick you could cut it...
They would plant, so we could have these trees And the production of cork is very slow, becuase as we speak We've planted ourselves with people, with friends that have fields that have wanted...
Hey guys what's up it's Talia. nd in deo I am going to tell you about problems that tall peope have So let's get started It is going to be very annoying to be sitting in the...
Tazovskiy, a small town on the Arctic coast. It is the middle of March, but the weather is freezing with temperatures at around minus 30 degrees Celsius. The best way to get around is in a vezdekhod....
Durante las últimas semanas, el público se ha movilizado para enfrentarse a las amenazas de la legislación estadounidense contra las libertades en Internet. Sin embargo, lejos de ser una victoria...

