Apple Dumpling Pudding 0:00:10.149,0:00:14.789Hi, I'm Val from Vals Kitchen and today I'm Making Apple Dumpling Pudding.0:00:14.789,0:00:19.119This was a recipe that was handed down...
"Fungal Toxins in Apples" Fact or fiction? Many of us were told as kids not to eat the brown parts, but can we eat the whole apple, bruises and all? Patulin is a a mycotoxin,...



Hello and welcome to Todd's kitchen. If you're looking for that icing drink that is so delicious, so sweet then i guarantee you're going to love this recipe So join me today as...
When the founding fathers went on land in the Northeast of America after months at sea they were weak and severely malnourished many had developed scurvy a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. Due...
In this lesson, we are going to write code for level order traversal of a binary tree. As we had discussed in our previous lesson, in level order traversal, we visit all nodes at a particular depth or...
How can I help my baby poop? Babies hardly ever need help to poop. Eating, sleeping and pooping are the few things they do automatically from birth. I think my baby has constipation. Babies usually...
Hi, my name is Brandon Sarkis on behalf of Expert Village. Today I’m going to show you how to make the holiday favorite Spiced Apple Cider. Okay, so we’ve got our apple juice, it’s out of the...
Is it normal to only poop once a week? I've heard that it is, and that it is dangerous. It could be a sign that you are dehydrated. Your body isn't getting enough liquids to flush away...
APPLE JUICE Season of apples in this year gone right on glory. Make an apple juice at home is not difficult. With a good juicer you can stock up this wonderful drink for the whole winter. I'll...