JOEL SIEGEL: All right. So we're going to keep moving our downbeat, high hat. We're going to have it now on beats one, two, and four. What does that mean mechanically? Our left foot is...



I'm Shaun Schaefer on behalf of Expert Village and today I'm going to show you how to pack up your drum kit efficiently. Now that we have the high hat cymbals packed away, I went ahead...



If you take the same swing Ride Cymbal pattern and play on the High Hat, while doing the heel toe, playing, shutting the High Hat on 2 and 4, like that, you get that? Which is very common pattern...
JOEL SIEGEL: All right, we want to do the American grip now. Again, we're attacking the side of the hi-hat to get that kind of beefier sound out of it. So here's the American grip....



Welcome Matadors my name is Heidi Vacalfor, your lower division senator and welcome to Senate in a Minute. At this week's meeting on Monday March 10 we had a special presentation Shawana...
Alright, in this segment I want to do almost the exact opposite of what we kind of just spoke about using small little slices. In this one I want to emphasize how you can choke out all the sound in...



Hi everyone, I'm Erik Hernandez-Oberding and I'm running as an independent candidate for Vice President Internal of the UTMSU. Allow me to take this opportunity to tell you a little...



Hello, my friends my name is Nashid Ahmed and I stand for the unified party. When I'm not beating up bad guys or swimming in the blood of my enemies, I read about birds and lower your taxes....



We found the link on Facebook. By clicking on the link were redirected to the application of voting. We just had to click VOTE, and some of us have heard the mix of Mr. Franco and we liked it ......



Every single vote cast on Sunday in Kim's constituency was for the man who can now add MP to his many titles North Korea's state media has confirmed what was never in doubt - a 100...