[♪upbeat music♪] This Week in Army History. The US Army purchased its first aeroplane in 1909. In early 1910, 1st Lieutenant Benjamin D. Foulois was assigned to take that plane and learn to fly. In...
[female speaker] This patient is alive. You need to worry about this guy right here. [McCabe] Sergeant 1st Class Roberta Hutson is pushing hard. These Army reservists are responding to an emergency...
Colonel Anthony Funkhouser Northwestern Division Commander U.S. Army Corps of Engineers I’m delighted to join you for this 75th anniversary event and very appreciative of the efforts all of you have...
Early this year - like April of 2007 I was living in the small village called . that is surrounded by the U.S. Military Base, and the U.S. Military Base is going to expand and those farmers who were...
The US Army Joint Munitions Command is the Department of Defense executive agent for ammunition, providing all conventional ammunition from small caliber bullets to megaton bombs, with delivery to all...
[explosion] [♪drum beat♪] Welcome back. The 1st Armored Division is working with Iraqi Security Forces to train them to take over the lead role in securing their country. Sergeant Paul Monroe...
diane stark state and federal agents as i hear great guest for you guys former u_s_ army colonel andrew basic he's also law firm washington rules and marcus after permanent war occur along the...
The United States is seeking to cut the size of its army drastically... to pre-World War Two levels. The Pentagon said Monday it would eliminate popular aircraft, reduce the defense budget and...
The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with a series of events, including a national tour. This year is huge. This is a very proud year for us. [♪upbeat...
– We're about 100 meters away from the weapons factory of Saab Bofors Dynamics in Eskilstuna. They manifacture the anti-tank weapon AT4 among other things. – Come along! – The door has begun...