There's a guy up there that I really like, Vince Sheehan. Vince was a fireman, San Francisco fireman-- a good fireman, good fireman, well-liked by his co-workers and all that. And it was...
Subtitles by SBS Something is really wrong. This cannot be happening. Please take a closer look. How many times do I have to tell you? In the past few days there's no record of a woman named...



the latest bird flu outbreak seems to be following the routes of migratory birds wintering in korea. another flock of ducks was found dead in central korea north of the original infection site...
the national tax service says it has launched a simplified system for people wanting to file their income tax returns online. starting this wednesday taxpayers will be able to get information on the...
the government says it now suspects that the recent bird flu outbreak may have been carried by a bird called the bean goose in addition to the migratory baikal teal ducks originally bl amed for...
in the next four minutes I'm going to reveal its crazy revenge story how I am fifty 6700 forty three other folks just like you reduced our electric bill up to 75 percent and more in just 60...
The Korean economy grew three percent last year,... accelerating from an earlier estimate of two-point-eight percent. Korea's per capita gross national income also stood at over 26-thousand...
The Korean economy grew three percent last year,... accelerating from an earlier estimate of two-point-eight percent. Korea's per capita gross national income also stood at over 26-thousand...
Amid souring bilateral ties,... South Korea and Japan will hold their first vice ministerial-level talks in eight months... later this Wednesday. Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Akitaka Saiki and his...