Hello, this is Russ with the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective again. We're also here with Expert Village. So what we're going to do today is we're going to show you the last...
Hello I'm Russ and I'm here on behalf of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective, online at slcbikecollective.org and also on behalf of Expert Village. I'm going to be showing...
Commonly odd people come into the store and complain that their brakes are rubbing. Now, you can see that this wheel is not spinning freely as the rim is touching the brake pads. Further more this...
Hi! This is Eric from Spin City Cycling in Austin, Texas and I am talking to you on behalf of Expert Village and we are going to talk about derailleurs today. Derailleurs that I have in front of me...
Hi! This is Mike on behalf of expertvillage.com. For more information about bicycle maintenance please visit Prairie Path Cycles in Winfield, Illinois or visit our website at...
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Hi this is Jeff from the Two Wheeler Dealer. Today I'm going to show you how to properly adjust a bicycle front hub. First thing to remove the quick release, do this by just unscrewing the nut...
Now I can demonstrate how to properly true the wheel. Alright let's take a close look at the final truing of this wheel. We're also going to take note of the roundness of the wheel. If...
The rear hub on a bike can be loose. You want to check it just as we did the front by moving it side to side. If you detect some play or the fact that it's not rolling very easily you would...
MICKEY DENONCOURT: Some regions of the country and of the world have cyclocross races that are full of sand. Sand is really a big feature of a lot of races than other ones, and so people put a lot...