>>BOB: Let's start right here. I've had Mr. Stuff Warehouse for 30, 33 years now. A loooong time. All kinds of stuff. How many of you people - raise your hands -...
Hello everybody, I am Denny Cristales the news editor for Talon Marks and today we are going to look at the snowy day event hosted by the Child Development center. We're going to look at kids...
Hi folks. My name is Matthew Weiss, and I am going to teach you how to mix rap vocals. I have been mixing for over 10 years now, close to 15, something in there, I don't know I've lost...
Preparing for the Quebec hospitality by TravelPod member michelbouchard Some of the jammers by TravelPod member michelbouchard Pumpkin patch by TravelPod member michelbouchard A small one by TravelPod...
One thing to keep in mind about your antique guitar, is that often antique guitars have antique strings. Now, an antique guitar might have a great sound, but with the wrong strings it's always...
BUP and ENDO STUFF Hey Endo, what you got there? Hey Bup. Some useful sort of thing. It's kind of got a wiggley edge, I could put water in it... ...or dirt. How did you find it? Well, first it...
Alright, so now we're going to adjust the pickup heights on a Gibson Les Paul. This also can be personal preference. It depends on what kind of sound you like. Some guys like to bury the...
[music] You guys had questions, I've got some answers. It is time for another Ask Joe Stuff! [music] Ok, let's get this show on the road. o-dawgtheinvincible asks "What are...
Here are true facts about the cuttlefish. The cuttlefish is not a fish. It is a mollusk of the class cephalopoda. The cuttlefish is a bit like a clam that millions of years ago came out of its shell...