Hello and Welcome to HealthiNation I’m Dr. Preeti Parikh. Kids and colds seem to go hand and hand. In fact, the common cold is the number one reason children visit the doctor and stay home from...
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The other big secret I found recently, it's a little gross, but it's called a Neti Pot. It's a sinus nasal rinse... Okay. Oh I'm telling you, this is, if you're...
My name is Raymond Murphy, and I came to Dr. Bateman because I was having a hard time breathing, using my Bi-PAP machine at night to sleep. I would fight it every single night. The nose would swell up...



Hi, my name is Dong. D-O-N-G…that's my name. I am a father, and I like to recommend products I found on the internet that's been very helpful with us, and that I personally consider...
Dr. Larian: Allergies are very common in the nose area. Our environment has a lot of material in it that people can become sensitive to and that really is an allergy - an overreaction to something in...



Pain and pressure around here, especially with thick nasal drainage going down the front or the back. Loss of smell, pain in the teeth, the maxillary teeth would be a good indication that these...



Sinusitis is acute or chronic inflammation in the nose or paranasal sinuses. Some of the newer studies say between 14 to 16 percent of people in the United States might suffer from various forms of...
Hello, my name is Dr. Susan Jewell, and on behalf of Expert Village, today I'm going to talk to you about the ways to alleviate some of the signs and symptoms of colds and flus. Now, in this...
Sinusitis What is sinusitis? Sometimes your nose is stuffy, you are coughing, and you feel congested and achy. You think you might be getting a cold. But the medicines you take to relieve symptoms of...