In high school,appearances are everything. The way you look. The way you wish you look. The way you wish you didn't look. Nobody is satisfied. Which is maybe why Throughout the halls and classrooms We...
Hi, I'm Dr. Michael Walker from Hill Country Plastic Surgery Center, and I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village to talk to you about rhinoplasties or nose jobs. What's the...
There is three basic steps to putting in a hearing protector to make sure it has an optimum fit. The first thing you want to do is take your fingers and roll down the ear plug so that it has a narrow...
Hi I'm Tristan McCauley from Lucky Seven Tattoo. And I'm going to show you how to wear a nose ring. When considering what to put in your nose for your piercing there's a few...
Hi, I'm Tristan McCauley from Lucky 7 Tattoo, and I'm going to show you how to remove a nostril screw. The first thing you want to make sure is that your nose piercing is totally...
Hello. My name is Dr. Susan Jewell, and on behalf of Expert Village, I want to talk to you about colds and flu. And I wanted to talk to you about also ways to alleviate symptoms of colds and flu. Now...
The most common reason for nose bleeds is dryness in the environment. They are more common in winter where the heat is on and the environment is drier. It is more common in children ages two to 10 and...



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THE PARANASAL SINUSES There are four pairs of paranasal sinuses, the frontal sinuses are located above the eyes, in the forehead bone. The maxillary sinuses (antra of Highmore) are located in the...

