hey this is Mike with reviews quick and today I'm going to be doing an unboxing and review of the griffin studio connect you can pick these up at Amazon or I got mine at Sweetwater they run...
Hello everyone and welcome back , today we present to you the new Blackmagic ATEM Broadcast Panel 2 and the Production Switcher. The ATEM 2 Broadcast Panel is a professional control panel ideal for...
Happy synthesizer I'll play a melody That will almost reach the inside your chest Everyone, the following performance is given by Gear! Scattered faint one-sided love It's a funny...
Hey, there, cool cats, this is the Hi Fi Guy again. I certainly hope that you're enjoying a great day just like I am. And today I'm going to try to help you make a great day even...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red83\green83\blue83;}...
So more little things about our station. You can run lots of other inputs through the Mackie. What a lot of people do is they bring an I-Pod in, or they bring a computer in, or any other little audio...
hey everybody today I'm gonna take you inside my podcasting setup first of all you're gonna need a microphone a sound recorder a computer or a laptop and then a smartphone or a tablet...
Last year I did some trips. Went to Japan couple years ago. The Players, we all went and I had great time doing that. I found I had a lot of fans there that I didn't realize. And in Europe. I...



New smartphones and lots of wearable tech coming from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona! I am BatChiara, and this Gotham ...Silent Hi .., ...Tech Break! At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona,...