Getting to know the People Recognition feature. PaintShop Pro can help you automatically find, group and name people in multiple photos. You can tag people manually, so you can tag other parts of a...
Hi, my name is Michael Seto. I’m a professional photographer and in this clip we're going to talk little bit about lens selection for jewelry photography. Jewelry photography is a very...
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Hi this is Toby with HMC Electronics. Today we're going to be taking a look at the Luxo KFM LED Magnifier. The Luxo KFM LED Magnifier will, in time, be replacing the standard KFM, which had...
This compact camera has something called digital zoom. Now what digital zoom physically is, it's not the zoom that's actually happening when I'm using this lever here, which is...
Another really popular form of photography is macro photography, which is essentially close up photography. It's kind of a confusing term because it's really in theory very similar to...
Another question we get from our readers a lot at Popular Photography is, "How can I shoot great underwater photos?" There's a couple different ways you can do that. You can...
pinhole photography starts with a pinhole camera you can make your own from any light tight container such as a cookie tin or an oatmeal box. Usually photo paper is used to capture the image in a...