Standing head to knee pose

So we're going to take Kneeling Lunge, Kneeling Lunge Backward Bend or Crescent Moon to Revolve Side Angle with the knee down. Big spinal movements. Once again, mobilizing the roots, this...
Dondasana, staff pose. We're going to begin with extending both legs straight. And then we need to pause to plug your sit bones in, so just kind of wiggle side to side, so that you firmly feel...
We'll use the strap again for this next one, so make sure you have it. Second toes parallel, so you just return to Tadasana, steady, useful. And then from Tadasana, standing on your left leg,...
I'm Linda Black here to show you Warrior Three position. This is a more difficult, so we've got some modifications. Stepping forward again with the right foot to your right hand,...
Hi my name is Tishambia Caine and I'm with Studio Soiree. I am teaching the cardio cabaret dance routine. So we have just done the yoga tree movement and now we are going to do the hop. This...
Hi my name is Tishambia Caine and I'm with Studio Soiree. I'm doing the cardio cabaret dance routine. Very classic runner's movement or runner's stretch is do this....
Hi. My name is Tishambia Caine. I'm with Studio Soiree. I will be teaching Cardio Cabaret dance. So, we're going to go into the second movement. It's walking back. It's...
Hi my name is Tishambia Caine and I'm with Studio Soiree. I'm teaching the cardio cabaret dance routine. Now the next step we're going to do is kind of something similar but we...
Hi. My name is Tishambia Caine. I'm with Studio Soiree. I'll be teaching you a Cardio Cabaret dance. So, the first thing we're going to do is the simplest movement which is...
Hi, my name is Chell Garcia-Trias and I'm a modern dance instructor in Austin, Texas. I'm going to show a variation on a Modern Dance butterfly stretch. First, I'm going to let...