Is it bad to exercise at night? Why would you get that idea? Well, for a woman, I understand the danger of jogging at night. I’ve heard it is bad for you, even when the environment is safe. Going for...
Does Yacon Syrup Really Help You Lose Weight? it. That’s the case here. There’s a decent amount of clinical trials that have already been performed and results are definitely promising. In one...
warning the contents of this weight loss video is only meant to educate you on the truth about why most people who take weight loss products can not lose the weight. If you believe a miracle...
Hello Everyone! I'm Erin Huggins, holistic lifestyle and fitness expert from Los Angeles, CA check out more at And today's video is, once again I'm really...
hi I'm here to talk to you about weight loss for women over forty inside the official feel fat last over 40 workout program you'll find all of your fat burning placed shrimping...
How do bodybuilders have such a small waist? You’d thin that guys who work out would have thicker ones. Part of it is weight loss and minimal body fat. They don’t have the extra layers that make...
Ryan is performing a bicep curl with the exercise band so he’s tucked the band underneath his shoe, making sure that it’s secure. And then he’s going to raise his hands up towards his shoulders with...



-- START -- 00:01 Ron: I had George W. Bush look at a large blowup of this oval office and he said you got it. Everything was just right. 00:10 COMM: Presidential memorabilia collector Ron Wade has...
Hi, I'm Brigitte. This is Slope Style. I'm here with Jill who is here from Burton. We're here to talk about the South Side Slim Fit Pant from Burton. And, I've gotta...
Hi. My name is Heather. I am 35 years old, mother of 2 wonderful children. Most of my life, I was in good shape, exercising 2 times a week, but during the pregnancy with my second child, something...
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