What is a cartoon really? Many of us love cartoons, most of us grew up reading them or having them read to us. The fact is, cartoons have been around a long time. There are all kinds of cartoons:...
Welcome to Product Spotlight! I’m Jacquie Carter, Herbalife's Worldwide Outer Nutrition Product Trainer at Herbalife. Today we’re going to talk about the Skin Activator line. Five time...
Acne is something of immense concern in our everyday life, and it needs to be treated, so that we can live life without the fear of it. This can be found mostly on the face of young ones and adults...
[BLANK_AUDIO] Keri Lehmann and I'm the founder and CEO of Savvy Bohéme: Hand-Crafted Authentic Body Care. So I own a skin care company. We manufacture. We formulate and then we manufacture....
hi how to get rid of stretch marks fast my name is Nikki and I'm making this video to help anyone out there has been trying to get rid of it stretch marks last year one is great weight loss...
hey guys welcome back nigga rachael is here Nu Skin Reviews welcome to my new skin review now john has been there are probably a few degrees that you may have army one you may be presented with the...
Good to see you've got your own channel now! I've you on your other collaboration channels. I like your tone, you're very easy to listen to. I had no trouble at all having you...