Hi! I'm John I'm not a naturally lean guy.. In fact... I was downright obese for many years.. When i found out that it wasn't my fault.. Well that was one of the best days of...
Hey guys Lauren and Kiel here from Kings of Fitness. And we've been spending some time on Yahoo! as of late answering some questions about health and fitness. Now one of those questions that...
Kyle Leon The Muscle Maximizer Review Legit Kyle Leon The Muscle Maximizer Scam The Muscle Maximizer Review Kyle Leon The Muscle Maximizer hey it's Kyle Leon here I made the short presentation...
Hey guys, Kiel and Lauren here. And we are going to take you through a three minute ab workout. Something that we have developed just coming from all the walks of life. We both like to do Muay Thai, I...
In this clip you're going to imagine you're holding a ball and you're going to move the ball from the right side to the left side in a twisting motion. This works your sides...



Terri: Hi. My name is Terri Fox and I'm here with Leslie Fuller, and she's one of my clients. We're going to run through a circuit to help bust any weight loss problems you may...
Hi I'm Les Whitley. I'd like to talk to you about how to gain muscle while losing fat. Anytime that you are engaging into an exercise routine it is important to establish your goals....
So for the next leg exercise we are going to be doing leg extensions and this is an isolation exercise meaning that you are going to be targeting the muscle group as opposed to me doing leg presses,...



ALICE MONSAERT: This exercise is called the dip, and you may have heard of a dip usually done for the triceps, the upper body. This is for the lower body. I'm going to start without my...