Present moment awareness

MediaContents, is developing a project based on a Multimedia Platform for mini-documentaries, named Bizitaly.EU Documentaries are based on a television format on BBC model: a simple but high impact...
What is Awareness? What is being in the present moment? During the night our physical body sleeps and during the day we are awake. However psychologically we can find ourselves in all these thoughts ,...
As the course of time ends in this designated flow there is a reaction and a frantic movement toward a solution. The focus of humanity is to bring about an ecological transformation of the planet. The...
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LIFE IS NOESIS. Greetings. What is Noesis? Noesis is a Greek word, and it means the act of perception, the act of becoming aware, an act of consciousness. Without consciousness, without perception,...
[APPLAUSE] SHARON SALZBERG: Great, thank you so much. It's such a delight to be here. I was here a little bit for this conference, Wisdom 2.0, so it was kind of nice coming back into the same...
hi this is that the return on forwarding often many preventing they like to talk about his reversal i know cancers that very sensitive topic even in my household advocates for the sole very very...