I’m going to manipulate like the mathematicians do. Your father, equals one... ...joins your mother, equals one ...on a glorious day And nine months later you are born. So how many do we have now? 3...
it's times reports booz allen hamilton has become this is uh... quote hoover in quote has become one of the largest and most profitable corporations in the united states almost exclusively by...
The Aeneid <<uh-nee-id>>, a la Shmoop. Without TV, the Internet, printed books, or handheld video games, there was a whole lot of verbal storytelling going on in ancient...



you can use a few magnets to make this amazing spinning toy. you just need a plastic scale, a bottle cap, ring magnets and some glue. first take this magnet and put it inside the bottle cap. stick it...
so let's start at the authorization of the uh... use of military force because in many respects that uh... lol past after at nine eleven is the in strong which all of this year ships uh... yes...
So I wanted to redo this one. The original didn't make any sense. I'll keep it one as "unlisted" and can be accessed from here, link in description. But it should...
We're in the antler room, part of the Mammal Division here at the Field Museum, and there are lots of antlers. And also some things that don't have antlers, like horses. (Neighs) Henry...
(Subbed by: Kuya James Barreras) SIR VILLORIA: To deliver the address of thanks on behalf of the graduates, is no other than, our first honors, Jaan Patrick C. Barreras. (APPLAUSE) PATRICK: To our...
rush limbaugh in his typical fashion decided to stay classy and give his thoughts on the supreme court making a decision no surprise he's in favor of it let's listen to some of the...
So initially I got into Triathlon because I wanted to lose weight. And I have tried everything. I'd worked with doctors and nutritionists and trainers and nothing was working. After two years...