Does this mean something else

>>> DR. JERRY BLAIVAS: Getting up in the middle of the night to urinate is called nocturia. Nocturia is very very common, in fact most people get up once or twice at night to...
[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Neal Schultz [pause] and welcome to DermTV. Another frequent question I get from DermTV viewers is: why does my skin stay red after it heals? Look, we all get minor injuries to...
[ Silence ] [ Music ] >> Mumbai. Electric energy and the charm of frenzy. Monsoon swept streets, neon lights and impossible dreams. Hearts carelessly crushed under stilettos, career...
Ruben Papian - "Do I think?" - special - And we are on. - We have enough batteries for three hours. - That's great. We have batteries. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13. Thirteen of you and...
Ninety-nine percent of the time when I have a patient complaining of a new red mole, it is actually not a mole. It is a hemangioma. Hemangiomas are a proliferation of blood vessels that start sticking...
The controversy over "SCIENTIFIC" Japanese whaling has raged since the banning of commercial whaling in 1986 -- are the Japanese going to finally stop their slaughter? Hey gang,...
Hi, my name is Casey. I'm really excited to be doing a review for the Fat Loss Factor, and that is because I have something that I haven't seen anybody else who is doing a review...
Hi everyone, Lloyd here with my first presentation of the course, course on several presentations of key fundamental statistical ideas knowing these ideas is very important for making sense of the...