Today we're gonna go into the gem room with Lance Grande who is the distinguished... curator... I forgot the name. Distinguished service curator. - Distinguished service curator. And like my...
Welcome to the insect division at The Field Museum. We're here today to look at some of the things that we've collected up in Hanover. When we were up and we were up there with the...
You never hear of anybody saying that they've got moths in their stomach. That sounds like some kind of gastrointestinal problem you should probably be seeking medical attention for. And you...
Completing a project from the ground up isn't easy when the language and environment is different from anything you've ever known. That's what a group of Ole Miss Engineers...
Yuan Zai is now 40 days old Her eyes are still shut but she is quite active She often wiggles in her mom's arms Sometimes Yuan Yuan gently grabs Yuan Zai with her teeth and slowly picks her up...
We're in the antler room, part of the Mammal Division here at the Field Museum, and there are lots of antlers. And also some things that don't have antlers, like horses. (Neighs) Henry...
The Braaaaain Scooooooop! Just to clarify, there are two different spe— genus— geniuses. Just to fl- Just to clarify, there are two different plants that cau— Just to clarify, there are two different...
♫♫ [Classical Music Playing] ♫♫ Go the F* to Sleep. The cats nestle close to their kittens, The lambs have lain down with the sheep. You're cozy and warm in your bed, my dear. Please go the...
*Typing* It says "Welcome to The Brain Scoop." But you can't see that. Leigh Pfeffer asks: What advice do you have for someone looking for an entry level job in a museum?...