Can you tell me which herbs and essential oils to avoid during pregnancy? Don’t use aloe vera because it can cause miscarriage and birth defects. It is in all kinds of skin creams, even those for...
00:01 Hello! Home remedies are quite effective and very inexpensive. 00:07 I like that kind of remedy one who has the two very major 00:12 aspects of the healing process in them, in expense and 00:17...
You know many people don't like using any type of insect repellent that contains DEET or any other harsh chemicals. Hi, I am Captain Joe Bruni and what I'm going to talk about is how...
You know, at some point in time many of us will have to deal with reducing a child's fever. Hi, I'm Captain Joe Bruni, and what we're going to talk about is the several steps...



DIY Wintergreen Oil and Solvent Image Transfers In this demonstration, we’re going to make a wintergreen or solvent image transfer. The solvent-based materials that you can use are anything from nail...
Are You Looking For...DoTerra Essential Oils? DoTERRA Oils...Highest Grade Oils Available..There Is A DoTERRA Oil For Almost Every Ailment...Back Pain? Try Deep Blue And Wintergreen. Insomnia? Try...
Are You Looking For...Essential Oils? DoTERRA Oils...Highest Grade Oils Available..There Is A DoTERRA Oil For Almost Every Ailment...Back Pain? Try Deep Blue And Wintergreen. Insomnia? Try Serenity...
Are You Looking For...DoTerra Oils? DoTERRA Oils...Highest Grade Oils Available..There Is A DoTERRA Oil For Almost Every Ailment...Back Pain? Try Deep Blue And Wintergreen. Insomnia? Try Serenity And...



Are You Looking For...Lavender Oil? DoTERRA Oils...Highest Grade Oils Available..There Is A DoTERRA Oil For Almost Every Ailment...Back Pain? Try Deep Blue And Wintergreen. Insomnia? Try Serenity And...