MIKE PAPANTONIO: The Democrats have had plenty of opportunities to undo the damage that's been caused by Citizens United. But they've failed to do much about it. And there's a...



The Level 3 Award in Education and Training replaces PTLLS as the main nationally recognised qualification for you if you want to start teaching or training adults, be this at your workplace, a...
[ Silence ] >> I'm here to welcome you to the SCI forum tonight. I'm a rehabilitation psychologist in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at University of...
Good morning. I thought I'd start my talk out today by sharing some statistics about sea-level rise, and how many millions of people are at risk along our coast lines. I was going to talk a...
FARRON COUSINS: The Republican Party is suffering from a very severe identity crisis. The internal struggle between the old guard and the Tea Party has reached a fevered pitch, and that's...
My name is Matt Rollins and I've been working with LANDFIRE, for what, more than 10 years now almost, like a few other people in the room. But now I don't work for LANDFIRE. I moved...
(Dr. Shawn D. Akers) Liberty University is committed to your success, and we, here at the Helms School of Government, understand that you had a dream and a vision that propelled you to sign up for one...
>>DALE: Luxury sales are up nationally but down locally, why is that? We're going to go into detail on that, in just a moment here. So, its the luxury real estate market update...



Mateo Jaramillo: The supercharging network build out was a very ambitious program that we started more or less at the beginning of 2013. We had done some pilot stations in California and a couple on...
Let me talk to you about retirement 401(k) is the most sound way to go Let's talk asset allocation Sure You seem knowledgeable, professional Would you trust me as your financial advisor? I...