As modern technology becomes a part of our daily lives, the recommendation of laser treatment for nail fungus is an inevitable development. Patients are looking for modern methods of working in order...
African Call for Violence in Brussels Airport – Cultural Ignorance. I witnessed this in the Brussels airport. I believe it is a perfect example of ignorance and why people need to be educated about...
after working with my patients for close to fifteen years as a naturopathic doctor i've come to realize that most if not all digestive issues and problems with the immune system not being...



Four years ago, I came back to Australia, to Sydney. I was in London during graduate work for about seven years. Then, I lived in this fantastic shared house in central London. It was the only way...
(Image source: The Guardian) BY MATT MORENO Whistleblower Edward Snowden is reportedly doing perfectly fine adjusting to his new life in Russia. Snowden received an award from ex-U.S. government...



JESSICA DESVARIEUX: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Jessica Desvarieux in Baltimore. The two-month-long trial of private Bradley Manning has finally come to an end with a verdict. A...
♪ Music ♪ [Laughter] ♪ Music ♪ PATRICK DOUGHERTY: Those look great. These are good color, I'll tell you. Well this is a material that ancients and children alike have used for centuries....
and welcome back to the intrusions including richard and on and once again this was into this saturday june fifteen two thousand and two got amazing our coming up we're gonna be discussing...
Good morning. I thought I'd start my talk out today by sharing some statistics about sea-level rise, and how many millions of people are at risk along our coast lines. I was going to talk a...