jbjb Hey Missouri State, my name is Jacob Swett and I m your Student Body President. And I m Justin Mellish, your Student Body Vice President. As the fall semester gets underway, we d like to take the...



Hey everybody, welcome PROlike gear where we make builds for your set – looking and working like professional products – but being inexpensive. My name is Jano Kaltenbach and once again I’m very...
Hey everybody, it�s Lucas Mattiello, and I am back for part four in our six part series of how to be comfortable on any stage and communicate with confidence. So today we�re going to address how do...
�Hey Lucas, I want to speak in public and lead a meeting, but I am afraid that I am going to embarrass myself.� This is the number one question that I get, and we need to address this because this is...
Hey everybody. Its Lucas Mattiello, and today is part three of how to be comfortable onstage. So, I just want to quickly recap what weve reviewed, so were grounded in understanding all the benefits...
What's up everybody Justin here again, I got another video coming at ya here, a little something special it's like Christmas in my house again. Got a gaggle of parts behind me...



I got this question yesterday from a reader and they were saying, you know, �How does it feel to not be struggling with anxiety anymore,� and this is a great question that I get time and time again,...
O´Neill Soldiers begin shaping their jump 11 days up front. Obviously, it couldn't happen without incredible loads of snow. To round it up, we could talk about 10 000 cubic meters used just...
Phil: Chelsea. Chelsea: So I know we've all had our fair share of bad relationships, whether it be you're not compatible with that person or you've hooked yourself a stalker....

