This past month, more than one billion people around the world skipped lunch every day. They ate no food of any kind and drank no liquid of any kind from sunup to sunset. They did this every day...
Yeah it’s a great setup, it’s away from distraction, and it’s got a great facility, great environment here on the lake. Everything that you need to do for training, whether it be before, during or...
Jesse Ferrell and Kristi Myers Self-Uniting Wedding Ceremony August 11, 2012 Brougher Chapel, York College, York, PA [Photographer Carl Schaad] [Bob and Ann OConnell - Bride's Parents]...
Hi and welcome to AC News! Here’s today’s video clip, movie news are coming up! Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, will have his directorial debut with Ted, a bizarre comedy about a teddy...



>> ANNOUNCER: Inside every prominent family there lies an eternal struggle for control and tonight Lucas Chen will decide how far he is willing to go to control his. BlackBox TV...
Australian athletes have always been disadvantaged by the tyranny of distance when they are travelling overseas to competition. The ETC provides a home away from home for Australian athletes. It gives...



You don�t go to the gym one day and you�re fit for life. It�s a continuous process of going and exercising, and that�s how you build muscle over a long-term period. That�s the only way, but why is it...