My experience with youtube and uploading videos. At first I was afraid and would make my video like in a singing matter which I do this when I'm nervous. As time past I calm down and...
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Let’s eat, just like that uh uh just like that Let’s do it after a meal, just like that uh uh just like that Let’s eat, just like that uh uh just like that Let’s eat, just like that, we’re...
What is the Fastest Way to Lose Weight? For all that want the answer to the question "What's the fastest way to lose weight?" let me ask you a question first. What ever...
Hello and welcome to lets cook in Project Zomboid. After the succes of the crafting tutorial video same of you send me some mails whats about a cooking tutorial. And your wish is my oder so...
Now I have been having a jolly time for a couple of days, camping here in the woods. And my friends, the gamekeepers here on the estate, they have come to join me. I have got my little encampment, I...
Hello, my name is daniella and im going to show you guys my summer afternoon with you guys so lets get started first i do gymnastics so lets get into my leotard now that i have my leotard on im goona...

