Who wants Satisfaction on Demand? (I do! I do!) I want satisfaction in my pants right now. Go ahead. (aww yeah!) You want it! You got it! Welcome to MiKandi Version 4. The adult app store with over...
Seth MacFarlane becomes the target of some boobie backlash! The Family Guy creator's 2013 Oscars hosting gig has received mixed reviews, but one particular opening number has caused quite a...
So, uh, this is a little preemptive in the title cuz we're not done yet, but this is a song called "Goodbye" I never really got that good at getting over you. And now...
[00:03] [Winky The Watchman In Technicolor.] [00:05] [Presented by Tennessee Department of Public Health] [00:07] [Produced by Hugh Harman Productions] [00:11] Sue: When are you going to tell us?...
Christmas Feat. Mew By ATS Dedicated to friends and family! There are so many things I have to say, On this beautiful happy day! On this Christmas morning, On this Ceremony! I thank all my friends and...



Yooo! Janouschkas christmas freestyle whoa hey ho hey ho hey ho! Yo! ! I love it I love it it's christmas again together with Pjotr Babouschka and friends put your hands up! Hands up! dance...
CAROL COLETTA: Hi, I'm Carol Coletta. This morning we spent time talking about the formidable challenges to making the Just City a reality, and now we get to talk about solutions;...
We knew when we reduced sodium in cheese, we were going to change the flavor of cheese so the first thing we want to do was make sure we came up with a product that people felt tasted really good,...
a quarter in New Jersey has ruled that if you are knowingly sending a text to someone who is behind the wheel you might feel I have all if that person gets into a car accident now this case involved a...
You got to hold it upside down. You can't give a caterpillar a shotgun! How do you even-- C'mon, Libby! Hey, Mrs. Davis Oh, hi Alex. Miss--I don't know if it's, sorry...