hey guys did New Year sewn a lot of people have been asking rate Leanne 20 ping you going smoothies so as we now i am new to this whole green smoothie recipe making these things like for its my knees...
A viewer asks, "it seems like smoothies are all the rage. Do you have any good ideas for making green smoothies?" Well, I love, I love smoothies. I make them often. I always...
Hi you guys, it's Laura here from www.womens-fitness-tips.com. Okay, it's early morning here, it's about 7:00 and I'm getting ready to work out so I'm not...
Hi, I'm Jane from GreenSmoothieHabit.com. Welcome. Today I am making this green smoothie... green ginger apple smoothie submitted by Happy Girl. "Hi, Happy Girl." 1 1/2 cups...
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Hi, I'm Jane from GreenSmoothieHabit.com. Welcome. I received a letter from Timmy. "Hi, Timmy, how are you doing?" He writes, "Jane, can you do a video on how to...
Hi, I'm Jane from GreenSmoothieHabit.com. Welcome. Look what we're making today. This recipe, an entire pitcher full, 8 cups, comes from Lien. Hi Lien, how are you? You sent me this...