Salam! It's .. (Laughter) It's incredible to be here in Libia and so inspiring to see the people of this country and those in the regions around to be able to overcome authoritarian...
there's a small town in tennessee known as all the on county and they basically have a special fee for people who wish to up be protected in case of fire so if there's a fire the fire...
Bismillahi r-Rahman r-Rahim. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillah al Hamd Wassalatu wassalam ala Sayyidil awwalin wal akhirin wa Alihi wa sahbihi ajmain. Wa alayna ya Rasul Allah.. Now.......
johnnie kathy have will actually just landed in miami today and that the reason why he was able to go from guatemala to the u_s_ is because he is a u_s_ citizen is it and his attorney doesn't...
Il principale Consigliere di Gordon Brown vorrebbe sterminare la metà della popolazione delle Isole Britanniche si tratta di una cosa che Hitler ha tentato di fare, così come Stalin, ma non gli è...
e finanziata tramite questi Governi in ambito scolastico La logica vi dirà che quando quello che vedete nella scuola non si accorderà con quello che lo Stato o il Governo federale desiderano questi...
JOHN MORTON: Here's how to steal an American job. First, set up shop overseas ľ a factory with low-paid workers, sewing machines maybe. Take an American product, an American innovation, and...