Hi, I'm Stephanie Cutter, Deputy Campaign Manager at Obama for America. Well, here we are again. Karl Rove's group, Crossroads, is spending $25 million from secret donors to tear down...
economists richard wolfe is joining us again he is professor emeritus of economics at my alma mater the university of massachusetts in amherst also a visiting professor at the new school university in...
president mama when im michaels for conscious show hilo spark a he's gonna show approximately seven times sliding federation but not by much i believe it's a show is probably around...
and speaking of that level foxnews has debunked fox news we we've all grown to know years and years of fox news being debunked by others but now fox news is debunking different areas of boxes...



THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. As you know, I just met with leaders of both parties to discuss a way forward in light of the severe budget cuts that start to take effect today. I told them...
מר. קאַרני: באַגריסונג. גוט נאָכמיטאָג. דאַנק פֿאַר זייַענדיק דאָ. אנטשולדיגט מיר האט צו אָפּלייגן די בריפינג. זייער פאַרנומען טאָג. איך האב אַ זייער וויכטיק פּערסאַנעל מעלדן צו מאַכן. פאקטיש, איך...