Welcome to Absurdity Today, I'm Julianna Forlano. The Hostess Company is officially out of business. If you are looking for Ding Dongs, check the house of representatives. last year nearly a...
[NBC Soledad O'Brien] There are few rescues and so nothing to do. Instead just grim discoveries; body parts instead of bodies. [ABC Peter Jennings] cousin which is terrorism uh... designed to...
joining me today is Dennis Campbell he's editor in chief UK progressive magazine he also hosts worldview with Dennis Campbell on YouTube at YouTube dot com slash world you show Dennis...
Il principale Consigliere di Gordon Brown vorrebbe sterminare la metà della popolazione delle Isole Britanniche si tratta di una cosa che Hitler ha tentato di fare, così come Stalin, ma non gli è...
the German but english-language news website the local is reporting that Germany believes that the United States was tapping German Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone the Chancellor spoke to...