This is the General Archive of Dreams and Utopias. The thing is, Jasmine and I decided that people have stopped playing, dreaming, laughing And so, being the good utopians that we are We thought that...
Aberdeen Aberdeen by far the finest football team Aberdeen Aberdeen onward to Eorope we'll follow our dream For no matter where they play Our Dons go for the victory Dinipro to Dundee, our red...
If you have a dream Don’t let anything slow you down, Follow it to the ends of the earth. Life is a funny thing. The years fly by; and all at once we are old. Don’t let your dreams Become mysteries...
I am wearing a very appropriate shirt for todays video. Take Chances! Words that I live by and encourage you to do the same. As many of you may already know, this weekend a very young and talented...
>>DR. NORMAN B. ANDERSON: Hello, I'm Dr. Norman Anderson, CEO of the American Psychological Association. Whether you are a student or a member of the public with an interest in...
Hi everyone my name is Carrie and I'm here today to tell you about a wonderful opportunity everyone should know about it's called wake up now and it's taking over the world! It...
Hi, my name is David McLeod. When I first started doing deep process "shadow work" many years ago, I approached it very hesitantly. I had a lot of fear about the whole idea of...



I don't know what that dream is that you have. I don't care how disappointing it might've been as you've been working toward that dream, but that dream that...
V mojom živote som prišiel na križovatky. Vždy som vedel, ktorá cesta je správna. Bez výnimky. Vedel som. Ale nikdy som ňou nešiel. Viete prečo? Bolo to príliž čertovsky ťažké. Bolesť je dočasná....



My research interest is functional food, food that offers health benefits in addition to the nutrition it provides The role of this functional food in reducing risk factors for cardiovascular disease,...